Password for Employers
The Password Workforce suite of tests has been designed specifically for employers as the global benchmark for English language in the workplace.
Assessment for Employers
The Password Workforce suite of tests offer a unique combination of high quality, accurate and easily accessible English language testing.

Results Driven

An efficient and reliable testing process that allows organisations to accurately assess and interpret employee English levels.


Password tests are customised and branded according to the exact requirements and specifications of our partners.

User Friendly

Test delivery, results, reports and certification are all securely managed online and easily accessed from our website.

Password Workforce is used by employers for:

  • Screening as part of the selection process, to help select the best candidates to interview.

  • Staff recruitment, to ensure potential new staff have the appropriate level of English for the post.

  • Selection purposes, to identify suitable staff for overseas travel and other purposes. 

  • Training and development, to benchmark the language levels of employees for placement in training programmes and to measure their progress.

  • Leadership and management programmes, to ensure employees with leadership potential have the language proficiency to effectively participate in management programmes and progress within the organisation.

Customisable High Quality Testing

Password English Language Tests
Password English language tests are designed and academically managed by CRELLA (the Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment), a research group involved in the development and validation of many of the world’s most renowned English language assessments including IELTS and the Cambridge suite. The tests are formally aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the international standard for describing language ability.
For more detailed information about the design and development of our tests, please click here.

Password Tests and Test Modules

There are three standard Password Workforce tests which have been designed and customised specifically for employers. 

This test is used to assess the English language ability of employees and potential employees.

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This test is used to assess the English language ability of employees and potential employees.

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This test is used to assess the English language ability of employees and potential employees with a lower level of English.

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Tests can also be customised according to an organisation’s specific requirements. There are five test modules which can be combined in various ways:

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