Password for Language Schools
Password provides language schools with standardised testing for corporate clients and individual students.
Language Schools Assessment
Password tests provide valid and reliable results with CEFR aligned certification.

Results Driven

Password tests deliver accurate results and provide valuable certification showing both Password scores and CEFR levels.


Password tests are customised according to the specifications of our partner language schools and their corporate clients.

User Friendly

Test delivery, results, reports and certification are all securely managed online and easily accessed from our website.

Customisable High Quality Testing

Password English Language Tests
Password English language tests are designed and academically managed by CRELLA (the Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment), a research group involved in the development and validation of many of the world’s most renowned English language assessments including IELTS and the Cambridge suite. The tests are formally aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the international standard for describing language ability.
For more detailed information about the design and development of our tests, please click here.

Test Details

Password tests are made up of one or more Password test modules. The following test modules can be combined in various ways depending on each  individual language schools’ requirements.

Password Reading

Password Reading consists of five sections. In each section there is one reading task to be completed. Test-takers have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete all tasks. The test is aligned to the CEFR (A2 to C1).

Password Writing

Password Writing assesses a test-taker’s ability to write an essay. Test-takers are presented with a choice of two essay titles to choose from and are given instructions regarding length and content. The test takes 30 minutes and is aligned to the CEFR (A2 to C1).

Password Listening

Password Listening consists of five sections. In each section there are one or more listening tasks to be completed. Once test-takers press the play button, it is not possible to pause or restart the recording. Test-takers will hear the recording twice. The second time they hear the recording the question(s) will appear. Notes can be made to help prepare answers. Test-takers have 1 hour to complete the five sections. The test is aligned to the CEFR (A2 to C1).

Password Speaking

Password Speaking has five sections with one or more speaking tasks (questions) in each, simply answered by speaking into a microphone. There is about the same amount of time available to prepare answers as there is to speak. Notes can be made to help prepare answers. The test takes 20 minutes. The test is aligned to the CEFR (A2 to C1).

Password Knowledge

Password Knowledge is a sophisticated test of English language grammar, vocabulary and reading. It consists of five sections and takes 1 hour to complete. The test is aligned to the CEFR (A2 to C1).

Password Knowledge Intro

Password Knowledge Intro is a simplified version of Password Knowledge. It is a sophisticated test of English language grammar and vocabulary. It consists of four sections and takes 45 minutes to complete. The test is aligned to the CEFR (A1 to B1).

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