Password Pupil Writing Younger Module Test Format

Password Pupil Writing Younger assesses a test-taker’s ability to write an easy essay. Test-takers are presented with a choice of two essay titles.
Test-takers are given instructions regarding length and content.

Write about ONE TOPIC ONLY: (A) OR (B).

(A) “Describe your favourite food. Why do you like it?”

(B) “Compare two famous people that you like. Why do you like them?”

Time Limit: 20 minutes
Words: More than 80

Write your answer
below. Do not click
‘Finish section’ until
you are sure you have 
checked your work.

Your writing score will be based on:

Write your answer in the box below. Do not click finish section until you have finished!

Words: 0

Sample Answer:

My favourite food is from Italy.  There are a lot of world famous Italian foods, for example pizza and spaghetti and risotto. These are all very tasty, but the Italian food I like the most is lasagne. 

Lasagne is a meat and cheese and pasta dish.  First you cook a meat sauce very slowly with some vegetables, herbs and wine.  Then you need a white sauce made with milk, butter, flour and a little cheese.  You put meat sauce then pasta in a dish in layers and finish with the white sauce on the top.  Finally you bake this in the oven.

The dish smells delicious and tastes fantastic! It makes me think of happy holidays in beautiful Italy and the wonderful food I ate there.

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